Flight went well, checked into hotel,got nails fone, feel much better. Catching up with people, all good.
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SCC 7:02 PM
Flight went well, checked into hotel,got nails fone, feel much better. Catching up with people, all good.
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SCC 6:10 AM
It’s a warm, sultry morning in Dallas; reminds me of home. The scale lied-ended up having to move two pairs of shoes around to meet weight limit. Bad scale! Through security, waiting for my flight…
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SCC 8:50 PM
Need to finish closing up bags, get the last few things settled in. Not taking carry-on if I can make weight limits. Leave house at 0530, flight is at 0740. Arrive in Birmingham at 0915, get bags and car and drive to Atlanta. Found out that there’s major road construction and people are totally nuts driving through it. Will need to add time for that and/or detours, plus the hour time difference going from Central to Eastern Time. Throwing out the plans for tomorrow, just do what I can and try to see people on the fly. Not great, but better than developing cramps like I do when I’m really stressing…TMI, I know…
SCC 6:01 PM
I am packed. Well, almost. I want to take some stuff out and add a couple of things. Still need to pack stuff like wigs, shoes, etc. I haven’t found a pair of sandals I love yet-may have to go to Nordstroms Rack tomorrow. If not, I’ll take any suggestions for places to look in Atlanta.
I’m flying into Birmingham Tuesday morning and should be in Atlanta early that afternoon. If anyone wants to get together while I’m in town? I should have time Tuesday evening, Wednesday, and evenings through Saturday. I check out Sunday morning and will be back in Dallas that evening.
SCC 9:58 PM
I haven’t really had time to get ready for my trip to the Southern Comfort Conference; need to start packing tomorrow. Can’t really say why I’ve been so lazy about it, except I’m not that motivated right now. Why, I don’t know…
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friends and girltime and SCC 7:25 AM
This is my one hundredth post to this blog. There’s no real significance to the subject and this fact; I just saw that I had posted ninety-nine posts already, and I wanted to take some note of this. I’m kind of surprised. I keep thinking I have not posted much to here, yet I have. One hundred posts may not be a lot compared to some bloggers, but when you constantly suffer from writer’s block it’s one hundred times I managed to get over it.
Last Saturday the spouse and I went out for breakfast. Or rather, we went to meet a group of people for breakfast, something organized by friends who wanted like-minded (aka, leather/BDSM/etc. types) to meet up. The restaurant would fit in back in New Orleans-an older building that’s seen better days, mismatched decor, but excellent food.
I was accosted by someone I know who asked I was going to a fundraiser they were working on in October. I had totally forgotten about it, and I still haven’t decided what I’m doing yet. There was a request that Zelda show up, and some not-too-subtle flattery.
Later, I was going through some photos on my phone (what, you don’t keep pictures of yourself in an unlisted directory on your phone?) and the person next to me asked who the woman was. I’ve known him for a while, but he didn’t know I was a CD. Sometimes, I just assume people know, and it kind of took me by surprise. Of course I showed off a bit-because that’s what we do, isn’t it? No matter who you are, positive attention is a good thing…
Breakfast? Good. The company was better, and afterward indulging someone’s office supply fetish was fun.
Fifteen days from now, I’ll be on my way to Atlanta for the Southern Comfort Conference. This will be my eleventh time, and it’s always an experience. Sometimes better than others. My first SCC, I got so lost finding the hotel I saw most of Atlanta. I went there only a week after 9/11; all of us who showed up felt like we were just happy to be someplace close to normal. A month after Katrina with things still undone in New Orleans I went to Atlanta and the shock of being in a normal place was hard. So was Rita hitting home while I was there. I’ve dealt with family issues, my mom’s cat dying, and other things long-distance while there.
I go to SCC because I get to see people I don’t get to see the rest of the year. I go because I get to, for a few days, be closer to what I am. I love Atlanta almost as much as I love New Orleans.
Fifteen days…
SCC 7:48 PM
Either I feel like writing about the Southern Comfort Conference as soon as it’s over, or I end up waiting a while. It is not a matter of how much fun I had, rather what sort of mood I am in after the convention. This year? I went through some ups and downs and I’m in kind of a mid point so…
Observations from SCC 2009:
* We are finally getting used to the Crowne Plaza, which I still want to call “the new hotel.” I still miss the old venue (Sheraton Colony Square, now the W Atlanta Midtown). It was in a good location, within either walking distance to places or a relatively short drive. The Crowne Plaza is on the northwest side of Atlanta and while there is a great mall across the road (Perimeter Mall) and stores and places to eat within a short drive, everything else requires a drive on the Interstate or GA400. And rush hour in Atlanta lasts almost all day…
* The convention ended up with about as many memberships as last year. But about 40% of those were new attendees. We need more new people coming to SCC but we need to retain as many of our regulars as possible.
* Driving from Dallas to Atlanta takes about 13 hours. If you don’t have to avoid a flood, that is. I rode with someone this year, and while it was not that bad of a trip, flying is still a better option other than you can carry anything you want in a car. Speaking of cars, not having one sucked-I spent the entire convention either in the hotel or at the mall. I didn’t get to go down to Little Five Points, Outwrite Books, etc.
* I missed a lot of people this year-both who attended and who did not. I regret not being able to catch up with people I don’t get to see anyplace else. Part of this was having too many things going on, and part of it was deciding to spend time with people who I felt comfortable with.
* Only went to one seminar-after telling myself I was going to make as many as possible this year.
* Spent less time with the “pervy” girls this year. Mostly because I can’t fit into a lot of my old stuff and partly because I just haven’t felt connected to that part of me too much lately…
I know I missed something, but that’s all that I can think of right now.
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SCC 7:56 AM
Having a wonderful time, wish you were here :P
SCC 10:58 PM
I’ll be at the Southern Comfort Conference in Atlanta next week, Tuesday evening through Sunday morning. If anyone wants to say hi, please feel free. I’m usually pretty easy to find-look for the nametag that says Zelda Rose, attached to a harried looking person :P
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fetish and SCC and timemachine 11:36 PM
Yahoo has decided to shut down their 360 pages. Not that this is a surprise-they have not done a thing with it in ages. So I am going to repost some of my entries here, to preserve them.
This was a post from October 25, 2005.
Someone else posted an entry to their blog about smoking…
I’m not a smoker. I don’t feel any cravings for it, and it never bothers me. Just the smell, which I hate.
So, why is it that when I’m doing the girl thang that I like to smoke? I know it’s an affectation, but why that one?
I’m particular about what I’ll smoke. It’s got to be a long, thin cigarette, like More 120’s or Sampoerna Xtra cloves. They’re both dark, and they look very dramatic. I like the smell of cloves, too. I don’t inhale deeply, just enough to keep them going. I try to look aloof when I smoke, like I am not really thinking about it…
When I’m going out in the French Quarter, I always have to park a few blocks from where I am going. I’ll light a cigarette and smoke while I’m walking; it seems to get me into the mood. If I’m in a nightclub I’ll smoke. It’s a natural thing to do for me.
I don’t feel a compulsion to smoke after a meal, or other things. I’ll do it driving sometimes, even though I forbid people from smoking in my car. But Zelda can, of course…
I wanted a cigarette holder for a long time, but never got one. That’s too much of an affectation even for me.
At SCC, I brought one pack of Sampoerna’s with me. I didn’t even finish it by the end of the week. Of course, you can’t smoke in the bars in Atlanta anymore, either…
And I can dress and not smoke, too. So the only reason I do it is for effect. Now if I could only develop an eastern European accent…
I have not seen a pack of More 120’s in years. Sampoernas are not imported into the US anymore; I switched to Djarm Blacks. After my spouse’s health issues in ’07 I stopped smoking for the most. My last time was at SCC ’08, and I have not since. But I think I’ll grab a pack of Blacks for SCC ’09, just in case…